DIY livery / grazing

Livery Terms and Conditions

Company's DIY Livery charges tariff (From 1st April ’24)

Monthly: £115.

The land/buildings will be licensed in line with the following terms:

• Period: 360 day Grazing Licence.

• Use: The land is for grazing purposes only.

• Repairs: The Licensee will be responsible for maintaining and keeping all the fences, gates and boundaries in good order, and to keep the plot in a good state of repair ensuring that the grass is cut regularly.

• Insurance: The Licensee is to indemnify the Company against all claims that may be made against the Company as a result of the Licensee's use and occupation of the land.

• Assignment: The tenant shall not be permitted to assign, sub-let or otherwise part with possession of the land.

• Alterations: The Licensee will not be permitted to erect any buildings or structures upon the land without the prior written consent of the Company.

• Outgoings: The Licensee will be responsible for all outgoings in respect of the land.

• Agreement: The Licensee will be expected to enter into a formal Licence with the Company on these terms.

• References: Potential Licensees will be required to supply references to the Company's satisfaction.

• Notice period: one calendar month

• Licence: The Licence fee will be payable monthly in advance.

Version 2.0

Springwood Projects (Staffs)  Ltd,  Springwood Park, Park Lane, Cheddleton, Staffs.  ST13 7JS     

Email:    Web:     Tel: 07737274428

Copyright 2024, Springwood Projects Ltd. 

All rights reserved.